Portsea Estate

Victoria | Mornington Peninsula | Bunurong/Boon Wurrung

Our Review

Portsea Estate belongs to noted filmmaker Warwick Ross, whose highly rated ’13 film Red Obsession took an inside look at China’s fascination for the greatest wines of Bordeaux. The first 7 vintages were made at Paringa Estate by Lindsay McCall, before an onsite winery was built at Portsea Estate. More recently the business acquired 10ha in Main Ridge, planted to pinot noir, pinot gris and chardonnay. It also runs a native plant nursery on the property, with 1500 olive trees for olive oil production and honey from 20 hives. Matt Lugg succeeded Tim Elphick as winemaker in '21; he is assisted by Warwick’s son Will, who is also partner and general manager. -JAMES HALLIDAY


Winemaker Matt Lugg, Will Ross
Viticulturalist Matt Lugg
Traditional Place Name Bunurong/Boon Wurrung
Region Mornington Peninsula
Address 183 Hotham Road, Portsea, Vic 3944
Established 2000
Dozens 3500
Vineyards (area) 8 ha
Opening Hours By appt
Telephone 0439 029 646
Website www.portseaestate.com
Social Media