Clearing your browser's cache
Usually a "force refresh" is enough. You can achieve this by pressing the following key combination:
Windows: Shift + Ctrl + F5
Mac: Cmd + Shift + R
If this does not work, find your browser below for details on how to clear your cache and then reload the website.
Chrome PC & Mac
Click on the three dashes in the top right corner > Click on settings in the menu > Click on Advanced > Click on Clear browsing data... > Select Empty the cache from the list > Click on Clear browsing data on the bottom.
Chrome Android
Click on the menu button (three dots in the topright corner) > Click on settings in the menu > Click on Privacy in the menu > Click on Clear browsing data... > Select Empty the cache from the list > Click on Clear browsing data on the bottom.
Chrome IOS
Click on the menu button (three bars in the topright corner) > Click on settings in the menu > Click on Clear browsing data... > Select Clear cache from the list > Confirm the action by clicking on Clear Cache.
Safari Mac
First click on Safari and then click on Empty cache... > Click on the Empty button > Click on the refresh icon.
Safari IOS
From your homescreen; tap Settings > Choose Safari > Tap Clear cache.
Firefox PC & Mac
Click on the orange Firefox button in the top left corner > Move the mouse to Options and click on Options in the submenu > Click on Advanced > Click on the Network tab > Click on Clear Now in the Cached Web Content section.
IE 11
Hard refresh: Ctrl + 5
Click on the gear wheel in the top right corner > Click on Safety in the menu > Click on Delete browsing history in the submenu > Select Temporary Internet files and website files from the list > Click on Delete > On the bottom of the page the browser notifies you when the browser cache is cleared.
Click on the menu button in the top right corner of the screen > Click on Settings > Click on Privacy and Security > Click on Empty cache > Click on OK.